— Material & Pricing —
products and services
*pricing and availability subject to change*
Kaleidoscope Abelia #3 $28
Gold Dust Aucuba #3 $28
Gold Dust Aucuba #7 $55
Dwarf Alberta Spruce #3 $28
Dwarf Alberta Spruce #7 $55
Arborvitae, Emerald Green #3 $28
Arborvitae, Emerald Green 3-4 ft. $45
Arborvitae, Emerald Green 4-5 ft $60 Arborvitae, Emerald Green 5-6 ft. $85
Arborvitae, Emerald Green 6-7 ft. $95
Arborvitae, Emerald Green 7-8 ft. $135
Arborvitae, Emerald Green 8-10 ft. $155
Arborvitae, Green Giant 3-4 ft. $45
Arborvitae, Green Giant 4-5 ft $65
Arborvitae, Green Giant 5-6 ft. $90
Arborvitae, Green Giant 6-7 ft. $125
Arborvitae, Green Giant 7-8 ft. $195
Arborvitae, Green Giant 8-10 ft. $295
Azaleas #3 $28
Azaleas #5 $38
Barberry #3 $28
Birds Nest Spruce #3 $28
Boxwood (Chicagoland, Grn Velvet, Grn Mntn, Wintergem) # 3 $28
Boxwood (Chicagoland, Grn Velvet, Grn Mntn, Wintergem) # 7 $55
Boxwood (Chicagoland, Grn Velvet, Grn Mntn, Wintergem) B&B 18-24" $50
Boxwood (Chicagoland, Grn Velvet, Grn Mntn, Wintergem) B&B 24-30" $60
Boxwood (Chicagoland, Grn Velvet, Grn Mntn, Wintergem) B&B 30-36" $70
Butterfly Bush P.W. #3 $32
Beauty Berry #3 $28
Cypress Gold Mop "Vintage Gold" #3 $28
Cypress Hinoki #3 $35
Cypress Hinoki #5 $45
Cherry, Sand #3 $28
Cherry, Sand #5 $38
Cherry Laurel, Otto Luyken #6 $45
Cherry Laurel, Otto Luyken #10 $65
Cherry Laurel, Skip #6 $65
Cherry Laurel, Skip #10 $110
Cotinns Smokebush #3 $28
Cotoneaster #3 $28
Crape Myrtle #3 $35
Crape Myrtle #5 $40
Crape Myrtle #7 $60
Crape Myrtle #15 $155
Cryptomeria 6’-7’ $135 Cryptomeria 9’- 10’ (Large) $300
Clematis P.W. #3 $35
Clethra #3 $28
Deutzia #3 $28
Dogwood, Red Twig #3 $28
Euonymus, Silverking #3 $28
Euonymus, Burning Bush #3 $28
Euonymus, Burning Bush #7 $55
Euonymus, Burning Bush #10 $65
Evergreens, Spruce & Pine 3-4 ft. $50
Evergreens, Spruce & Pine 5-6 ft. $105
Evergreens, Spruce & Pine 6-8 ft. $145
Evergreens, Spruce & Pine 7-8 ft. $175 Forsythia B&B 3-4 ft. $20
Forsythia B&B 5-6 ft. $30
Forsythia #7 $30
Fothergilla #3 $28
Grasses #3 $20
Hydrangea #3 $32
Hydrangea Tree #10 $125
Holly #3 $28
Holly #5 $38
Holly #7 $55
Holly #15 $175
Itea #3 $28
Japanese Maple, Bloodgood #10 $195
Japanese Maple, Cutleaf 30-36" $195
Japanese Maple, Cutleaf 36-42" $225
Japonica, Pieris #3 $30
Juniper #2 $20
Juniper #3 $28
Juniper #7 $55
Leyland Cypress #3 $28
Leyland Cypress #7 $55
Leyland Cypress #15 $135
Lilac #3 $28
Liriope #1 $8
Dwarf Black Mondo $8 Dwarf Black Mondo #2 $15
Magnolia, Jane 3-4 ft. $45
Magnolia, Jane 6+ ft. $75
Magnolia #15 $155
Mountain Laurel #3 $35
Microbiota #3 $28
Mugo Pine #3 $28
Myrica (Bayberry) #3 $28
Nandina #3 $28
Ninebark P.W. #3 $32
Perennials #1 $9
Perennials #2 $14
Photinia #3 $28
Photinia #5 $38
Photinia #7 $55
Privet 3-4 ft. $30
Privet 4-5 ft $35
Privet 5-6 ft. $50
Potentilla #3 $28
Rhamnus, Fine Line #3 $32
Rhododendron #3 $28
Rhododendron #5 $38
Rhododendron #7 $55
Rhododendron #10 $98
Rose of Sharon P.W. #3 $32
Roses #3 $28
Sambucas P.W. #3 $32
Scotch Broom #3 $28
Spirea #3 $25, P.W. $32
Viburnum #3 $28
Viburnum #5 $38
Viburnum #7 $55
Viburnum #10 $60
Vitex #3 $32
Weigela P.W. #3 $32
Weigela P.W. #7 $50
Willow, Nishiki #3 $28
Willow Tree, Nishiki #10 $125 Willow Tree, Nishiki #15 $140
Wisteria #5 $38
Yews 18-24" $30
Yews 24-30" $40
Yucca #3 $28
Amelanchier 6-7 ft. $155
Amelanchier 7-8 ft. $175
Bald Cypress #15 $140
Birch #15 $140
Birch B&B 10-12 ft. $195
Cherry, Kwanzan #15 $140
Cherry, Yoshino 2-2.5" $225
Cherry, Okame 2.5-3" $265
Cherry, Weeping #15 $150
Cherry, Weeping #20 $225
Crabapple #15 $140
Crabapple 2-2.5" $225
Dawn Redwood #15 $140
Dogwood #15 $140
Dogwood 2-2.5" $225
Dogwood 2.5-3" $265
Elm 2.5-3" $265
Gum, Black #15 $140
Gum, Black 2-2.5" $225
Honey Locust 2-2.5” $140
London Plane Sycamore #15 $140
London Plane Sycamore 2-2.5" $225
Linden #15 $140
Linden 2-2.5" $225
Hornbeam, European #15 $140
Hornbeam, European 2-2.5" $225
Oak #15 $140
Oak 2-2.5" $225
Maple #15 $140
Maple 2-2.5" $225
Maple 2.5-3" $265
Pear #15 $140
Pear 2-2.5" $225
Pear 2.5-3" $265
Plum #15 $140
Plum 2-2.5" $225
Plum 2.5-3" $265
Redbud #15 $140
Redbud 2-2.5" $225
Redbud 2.5-3" $265
Redbud, Weeping #15 $150
Redbud, Weeping 2-2.5" $235 Weeping Willow #15 $155
West coast Material
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Red Dragon” 30-36 in. $185
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Red Dragon” 36-42 in. $205
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Orangeola” 30-36 in. $185
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Tamukeyama” 36-42 in. $205
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Tamukeyama” 42-48 in. $225
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Viridis” 24-30 in. $185
Acer Palmatum Dissectum “Viridis” 30-36 in. $185
Acer Palmatum Shishigashira 3-4 in. $185
Betula Pendula “Youngii” (twisted trunk) 1.25 in cal. $185
Betula Pendula “Youngii” (twisted trunk) 1.50 in. cal. $195
Betula Pendula “Youngii” (twisted trunk) 1.75 in. cal. $210
Buxus Sempervirens “Dee Runk” 30-36 in. $75
Buxus Sempervirens “Dee Runk” 36-42 in. $85
Buxus Sempervirens “Green Pillar” 42-48 in. $85
Buxus Sempervirens “Green Velvet” 18-21 in. $50
Buxus Sempervirens “Green Velvet” 21-24 in. $55
Buxus Sempervirens “Variegata” 18-24 in. $70
Buxus Sempervirens “Variegata” 24-30 in. $32
Buxus Sempervirens “Variegata” 30-36 in. $85
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca Pendula” (Weeping Blue Atlas) 4-5 ft. $195
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca Pendula” (Weeping Blue Atlas) 5-6 ft. $205
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca Pendula” (Weeping Blue Atlas) 6-7 ft. $235
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca Pendula” (Weeping Blue Atlas) 7-8 ft. $245
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca” (Blue Atlas) 6-7 ft. $195
Cedrus Atlantica “Glauca” (Blue Atlas) 7-8 ft. $225
Cedrus Atlantica “Horstmann” 3-4 ft. $145
Cedrus Atlantica “Horstmann” 4-5 ft. $165
Cedrus Atlantica “Horstmann” 6-7 ft. $225
Cedrus Deodara 6-7 ft. $155
Cedrus Deodara “Aurea” 6-7 ft. $155
Cedrus Deodara “Divinely Blue” 3-4 ft. $125
Cephalotaxus “Dukes Garden” 15-18 in. $55
Cephalotaxus “Dukes Garden” 18-24 in. $65
Cercis Canadensis “Ruby Falls” 1.00 in. cal. $115
Chamaecyparis Pisifera “Cyano Viridus” (Poodle) 36-42 in. $185
Chamaecyparis Pisifera “Cyano Viridus” (Poodle) 42-48 in. $195
Chamaecyparis Pisifera “Cyano Viridus” (Poodle) 48-54 in. $210
Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis “Glauca Pendula” 6-7 ft. $185
Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis “Glauca Pendula” 7-8 ft. $205
Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis “Glauca Pendula” 8-10 ft. $225
Chamaecyparis Obtusa “Gracilis” 3-4 ft. $155
Chamaecyparis Obtusa “Nana Lutea” (7 gal) 24-30 in. $95
Chamaecyparis Obtusa “Wells Special” 4-5 ft. $145
Cotinus Coggygria “Royal Purple” 3-4 ft. $95
Fagus Sylvatica “Purple Fountain” 7-8 ft. $195
Fagus Sylvatica “Tricolor” 5-6 ft. $175
Fagus Sylvatica “Tricolor” 6-7 ft. $185
IIex “Dragon Lady” 4-5 ft. $135
IIex “Dragon Lady” 5-6 ft. $155
IIex “Dragon Lady” 6-7 ft. $175
Ilex Aquifolium “Nellie R. Stevens” 4-5 ft. $125
Ilex Aquifolium “Nellie R. Stevens” 5-6 ft. $145
Juniperus Chinensis “Pfitzerana Aurea” (Poodle) 4-5 ft. $225
Juniperus Chinensis “Sea Green” (Poodle) 3-4 ft. $145
Juniperus Chinensis “Sea Green” (Poodle) 4-5 ft. $155
Juniperus Scopulorum “Blue Arrow” 5-6 ft. $145
Juniperus Scopulorum “Moonglow” 4-5 ft. $145
Juniperus Scopulorum “Moonglow” 5-6 ft. $155
Juniperus Scopulorum “Moonglow” 6-7 ft. $165
Juniperus Squamata “Blue Star” on standard 15-18 in. $115
Juniperus Squamata “Blue Star” on standard 18-21 in. $125
Juniperus Virginiana “Taylor” 6-7 ft. $155
Picea Abies “Cupressina” 4-5 ft. $165
Picea Abies “Cupressina” 5-6 ft. $180
Picea Abies “Cupressina” 6-7 ft. $195
Picea Abies “pendula” (Weeping Norway) 3-4 ft. $175
Picea Abies “pendula” (Weeping Norway) 10 gal. 3-4 ft. $135
Picea Abies “pendula” (Weeping Norway) 4-5 ft. $185
Picea Abies “pendula” (Weeping Norway) 5-6 ft. $195
Picea Glauca “Pendula” (Weeping White Spruce) 4-5 ft. $185
Picea Glauca “Pendula” (Weeping White Spruce) 5-6 ft. $195
Picea Omorika “Bruns” 3-4 ft. $135
Picea Omorika “Nana” 15-18 in. $85
Picea Omorika “Nana” 18-21 in. $95
Picea Omorika “Nana” on Standard 18-21 in. $110
Picea Omorika “Pendula” 4-5 ft. $180
Picea Omorika “Pendula” 5-6 ft. $195
Picea Pungens “Glauca Globosa” 21-24 in. $140
Picea Pungens “Glauca Globosa” 24-30 in. $155
Picea Pungens “Hoopsi” 4-5 ft. $180
Picea Pungens “Hoopsi” 5-6 ft. $205.
Picea Pungens “Iseli Fastigiata” 42-48 in. $155
Picea Pungens “Iseli Fastigiata” 4-5 ft. $175
Pinus dens “Oculis-Draconis” (Dragon Eye) 5-6 ft. $185
Pinus dens “Umb. Compacta” (Tanyosho) 10 gal. 18-24 in. $110
Pinus Flexilis “Vanderwolf’s Pyramid” 4-5 ft. $185
Pinus Flexilis “Vanderwolf’s Pyramid” 5-6 ft. $195
Pinus Mugo “Sherwood Compacta” 15-18 in. $115
Pinus Parviflora “Glauca” 4-5 ft. $165
Pinus Parviflora “Glauca” 5-6 ft. $185
Pinus Parviflora “Tempelhof” 4-5 ft. $165
Pinus Parviflora “Tempelhof” 5-6 ft. $185
Pinus Strobus “Blue Shag” on Standard 18-24 in. $110
Pinus Strobus “Nana” 24-30 in. $140
Pinus Strobus “Nana” 36-42 in. $155
Pinus Strobus “Pendula” 5-6 ft. $175
Pinus Strobus “Pendula” 6-7 ft. $195
Pinus Sylvestris (Scotch Pine) (Poodle) 3-4 in. $205
Pinus Sylvestris (Scotch Pine) (Poodle) 4-5 ft. $225
Pinus Thunbergi “Thunderhead” 30-36 in. $135
Pinus Thunbergi “Thunderhead” 3-4 ft. $155
Prunus Iaurocerasus “Otto Luyken” 18-24 in. $45
Prunus Iaurocerasus “Schipkaensis” 3-4 ft. $85
Prunus Iaurocerasus “Schipkaensis” 4-5 ft. $110
Prunus Iaurocerasus “Schipkaensis” 5-6 ft. $135
Syringa Meyeri “Palibiniana” (Dwarf Korean Lilac) 18-24 in. $110
Syringa Meyeri “Palibiniana” (Dwarf Korean Lilac) 24-30 in. $125
Taxus Baccata “Repandens” (Spreading English Yew) 15-18 in. $35
Thuja Plicata “Whipcord” B&B $110
Tsuga Canadensis “Pendula” (Sargent’s Wpg. Hemlo) 48-54 in. $165
Holly Tone 38lb. $25
Plant Tone 38lb. $25
Bio Tone 4lb. $10
Bio Tone 25lb. $45
Triple Bark Mulch $27/yard
Black Dyed Mulch $30/yard
Delivery, Mulch, Local $45
Delivery, Plant Material, Local $45
Special Orders
If you do not see what you are looking for on this list, please call or text us at (610) 636-1764. We may be able to special order with no additional cost to you.
— One Year Half Credit Warranty —
In order to be eligible for the warranty, we must need your receipt and dead item. Plants excluded from the warranty: Azalea, Cherry Laurel, Mountain Laurel, Pieris, Rhododendron, Perennials.
— Additives —
When purchasing plant material from our nursery, you are getting the highest quality nursery stock available anywhere. That being said, plants do require some care such as maintenance and proper watering. Even when this is done correctly, there is a possibility the plant could die.
To help ensure the survivability of our plant material we sell an additive called Bio Tone. This is a granular substance that is organic and as easy to use as pouring a glass of water.
The benefits of this are:
3x Root growth the first month
30% Less water needed
Larger blooms
Healthier foliage
With your purchase of Bio Tone all we need is your original receipt and a picture of the dead shrubs or trees only, and you are covered 50% for one year.